Follow your dreams to success

We all have our goals and dreams, and we really care for it. Dream is the reason for the way we are . Dreams are not a coincidence but it’s who we are . Our dream gives a sense of meaning and purpose and drives us on into our chosen future. To fulfill our dream we must commit wholeheartedly and not scare of failure.

Microsoft Corporation is leading multinational technology company, has two founders in the initial stage. Bill Gates and Paul Allen were two founders of Microsoft Corporation.

Bill Gates (William Henry Gates) was born on 28th October 1955, he joined Lakeside School- one of the best school of Seattle, Washington, USA. He was very intelligent and keen to acquire knowledge and  completed his Schooling and joined high school in the year 1969, this year was one of the giant leap for the mankind, Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin landed on the moon for the first time with the help of the computer and in the same time a company helped Lakeside School with computers so that the students can acquire knowledge and learn to use computer, with this he joined computer class to acquire different knowledge. He met another geek like him, Paul Allen- who was two years elder then him.

In the year 1970 he made a computer, Traf-O-Data with the help of his friend Paul Allen. The objective of this device was to read the raw data from roadway traffic counters and create a reports for the engineers and he earned $20k, this made a turning point of entering the technological world. He completed his high school in 1973. And he joined Harvard University to study Law but he dropped out the college as he did not find any interesting as he found in the computer.

“Using software without buying means to stop the development of new software”

Bill and Paul made a software (BASIC 1.0) for ALTAIR 8800 computer with this success they decided to established a software company , Microsoft Corporation in the year 1975. In the initial stage they faced lots of problems. People were buying computer don’t want to spend the money to use software instead they used to share the software among them, and Bill Gates wrote a letter to general public stating that “Using software without buying means to stop the development of new software” , but people ignored this. But he did not gave up , he worked hard and compete with other software companies.

“Only the College dropouts are not successful because everyone is not Bill Gates, just focus on your goals. You also can be successful”

In the year 1980 IBM corporation asked  to make a software for the computer and they created new software MS-DOS for their computer and they offered $50K as the price of MS-DOS, but Bill refused the offer. Then IBM agreed to pay licensed fee from each computer that IBM sell. Microsoft also sold software to other companies as well and earned as licensed fee.

Paul Allen broke the partnership with Bill Gates in Microsoft Corporation due to his health condition. In the year 1986 he launched MS-Windows where anyone can use it with the help of mouse. IBM replaced MS-DOS with OS/2 which  was a big loss to Microsoft but he never gave up hope rather he improve the software and in the year 1990 he launched new software Microsoft Windows 3.0 and came up with new business ideas and it was   grand success in the marked with made OS/2 failed in the market.

After this grand success Bill never stopped he climbed up to the peak of success. So, we should never stop dreaming and always work hard to get success.